Did you know that February is National Heart Health Month? According to the Center for Disease Control, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, one in five deaths is due to heart disease. Fortunately, heart disease is largely preventable.

Keeping your heart healthy starts with living a heart-healthy lifestyle. But first, you need to get smart about your heart. Knowing what causes heart disease, what puts you at risk for it, and how you can reduce those risks can help you make informed decisions to protect your heart and keep it strong.


Want to test your knowledge? Take the Heart Smart Quiz!

Answer key: All answers are TRUE!


How did you do? Knowing your own risk factors for heart disease can help guide your lifestyle choices, so talk to your healthcare provider to make sure you’re on the right track. You can learn more about heart disease prevention from The Heart Truth® at www.hearttruth.gov and improve your knowledge about heart health.

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